Tag Archives: Aspiring Dev

A Front End Dev’s Workflow in 2015 -Tools to create a Professional Project.

The daily routine of front end developers has evolved quite drastically within the past few years. Having an IDE and knowing about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and browser inconsistencies is not enough anymore if you are setting up or joining a professional project. There is a range of nifty helpers that improve your productivity as well as code quality, and can be considered essential by now.

This article will be of most value to you, if you use a Mac and:

  • want to move beyond the basics and get into a professional workflow,
  • are a front end dev who is trying to catch up after a pause,
  • are a designer looking for more insight into the front end process,
  • or are simply looking for a complete setup of tools to compare to your own.

If you’re here to get a quick overview without all the explanations, skip ahead to the summary at the end.

First things first, I can confidently tell you one sure thing. Nowadays it is unavoidable to get to grips with the command line at least a little bit if you want to work on a professional project. This is due to the above mentioned helper tools we started using to version, scaffold, process, and optimize our code to get it ready for launch as efficiently as possible. The majority of them are executed over the command line.

There are infinite combinations of tools to choose from. With time you will start to refine your set depending on what best fits your and – even more importantly – your projects’ needs. To get you up and going quickly, I am sharing with you the setup of tools I currently most often rely on in my coding routine. They are, so to speak, “the modern front end developer’s basics”.



Let’s start with the command line itself. “bash” stands for “bourne again shell”. If you type commands into the command-line interface of your choice (e.g. Terminal or iTerm), you’re talking to it. Apart from actually running the web dev tools we’ll talk about in a minute, it is generally useful to know some basic bash commands for any software you might install and use via the command line. Here’s what I most commonly do and when. If you want to, you can open Terminal and type along.

If you’re interested in mastering more commands, I recommend The Command Line Crash Course. It starts from the very beginning and only takes a couple of days.

Navigating through folders.

Alright, so open your Terminal and let’s get started.

  • pwd will tell you where you are in your directory structure.
  • cd .. will move you up out of your current folder into its parent.
  • ls lists documents and folders in the directory you are in.
  • cd plus the name of a directory will move you into it, e.g. cd Shared.


  • You can also type cd and drag a folder from your Finder into Terminal to navigate into that folder.
  • Tab completion: If you start typing a directory name and push the tab key, the name will automatically be completed.
  • After you execute commands, you can flip through the command history with the up and down arrow keys (this will save you a lot of typing).

Getting info about your software.

The parameters --version or -v, --help or -h work with most software that is installed over the command line and give you further info about it. For example:

ruby --version

If errors are thrown while trying to get a web project to run, there’s a good chance that you’re not using the right software version of your command line tools with the code base you’re working on.

Searching through files with grep.

This one I don’t use very often, but in the rare occasion it’s a life saver. grep is a small set of commands that let you search for a piece of text in many files and output where findings are discovered. For example:

grep -r "mytext" *

This command will find all occurrences of “mytext” in all files that are in the directory you are currently in and its subdirectories (-r stands for “recursive”).

Grep seems simple but it is powerful. It lets you perform complex searches with the help of regular expressions. That is actually what the name stands for: “Global Regular Expression Print”.

There are many more bash command variants that can be just as useful. All of them are listed in this documentation.


Versioning with Git.

Git is a version control system and in my opinion a most useful tool that should be used for every project you create, no matter how tiny. Generally speaking, it monitors the changes in your project files and saves a history of them. You can retrace all changes and jump back and forth as you like. It also enables you to work collaboratively on the same codebase by tracking who changed which lines of code and keeping a shared codebase that everybody contributes to on a server.

Doing basic operations with Git is not hard. However, the more people work on a project, the more confusing the produced history becomes and the more likely it is that conflicts occur because more than one person tries to change the same line of code. Then you are quickly in need of more advanced Git commands, which can feel like a real science.

Getting into the details of Git would be too much for this article but I do have some links for you. You can find info on how to get started with Git on the official Git page. The reference manual there will also come in handy for sure.

There are some applications that provide a GUI for Git. Hardcore command line people will probably give you a funny look but I personally use SourceTree by Atlassian. I prefer viewing file differences and the commit history in SourceTree but usually execute Git commands simultaneously over the command line.

Start simple, maybe create some test projects on Github to tinker around and see what works best for you.

Beware the binary.

One last piece of advice may also be, that Git can track changes in text files and save only those changes in its history. If you start uploading binaries like image files into it and then change those, it has to save the entire file again. Depending on how frequent you do this, the size of your Git history can become larger than you might like.


Package managers: Homebrew, npm and bower.

Software that is used to build the web ages as rapidly as everything on the web. It is quite common that a project that was started last year does not work with the current versions of its dependencies anymore. If you are working on more than one project at a time, you will run into the need of being able to use different versions of software for different projects.

Actually, wouldn’t it be great if the entire set of needed software including its versions could be defined and gathered at once?

This is where you will start being grateful for package managers. The following ones work at different levels, so they can not replace one another.


Homebrew is a package manager for OS X, so it is useful for much more than front end development. As they say on their website, it “installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t”, for example Node.js. A complete list of available packages can be found on Search Brew.

Homebrew will load and install a software and all of its dependencies with the single command

brew install [package]

It saves the software it installs into a specially created directory named Cellar/ and then symlinks into /usr/local.

You can install multiple versions of a software in parallel with Homebrew. By using switch the symlink is updated to whichever version is desired and therefore lets you jump back and forth as needed.

brew switch [package] [version]

More on how to work with Homebrew can be found in the documentation.


Stands for “node package manager” and has a set of packages that are based on Node.js available. You can install them with all needed dependencies via

npm install [package]

The most popular packages include yo, Grunt, and bower. These make up the Yeoman workflow for web projects, which we will look at in a second. But there are also many other packages that you will want to use in your projects. You can even make your own (and even private ones).

The packages can be installed locally, meaning there is not a single global version on your computer, but each project has its own set in its working directory. To keep track of the packages you are including in your project, there is a file named package.json in which all packages and versions are defined. If somebody new joins a project and is given this file, they can install everything defined in there by executing

npm install

Usually, you would keep package.json in your Git repository while leaving all the actual modules out of it. This keeps your repository slim and up- and downloads to a minimum.

The documentation of npm can be found here.


bower is explicitly a package manager for the web, installed via npm, and part of the Yeoman workflow, which comes up next. Its packages are JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as jQuery, backbone, and Modernizr. You can search through them here or over the command line with

bower search [package]

Similar to npm, the setup of required packages is defined in a json-formatted file named bower.json which is usually the only part that is kept in a Git repository. Everything stated in there is then loaded into your project through

bower install

This is how bower.json typically looks like.


Nice! Here’s a list of all bower commands.


Scaffolding with Yeoman’s yo.

Alright, we are pretty deep into it by now. Conveniently loading JavaScript libs into a project with bower is great. But automatically setting up your project directory structure and basic file templates to get started is even better. This is where Yeoman’s yo comes into play.

With the yo command line tool (which is also installed using npm) and one of the many Yeoman generators that are available, you can scaffold – meaning to build a base structure for – any type of web project. This ranges from simple webapps to Angular, Laravel, or Meteor projects.

If you can’t find a generator that suits your needs you can create your own.

First you globally install the needed generator, for example:

npm install -g generator-webapp

Then – if you’re not already there – you navigate into your project directory and let the scaffolding begin by executing the generator:

yo webapp

And within just a few seconds you have a project set up. Here’s what we just created in an empty folder webapp/.


Can you spot the package.json and bower.json files we talked about earlier? Some defaults will already be set but you can always configure to your needs and update your project.

So far, we talked about two out of the three tools that are part of the Yeoman workflow: yo and bower. Keep on reading to find out what the third, namely grunt is all about. It’s definitely worth it.


Building the project with Grunt.

This one will probably have the greatest impact on the way you work on your projects. It’s a task runner. On the Grunt website, the reason to use it is stated as it “lets you automate just about anything with a minimum of effort”. What could that be useful for after we have our project laid out nicely and are ready to code? Lots! Let me explain.

The tasks that Grunt runs are defined sets of plug-ins which you can load with npm, configure in your Gruntfile.js, and then execute in order with the task-name you give them.

For example, Yeoman generators provide grunt serve to run while you’re coding. It starts a local webserver, opens a browser window and reloads the page whenever there are changes in the code base. This basically lets you see what you are programming in real time.

Running grunt will build your optimized project into a /dist subdirectory. “Optimized” can mean many things in this case. Here are some more example plug-ins you can add to the basic grunt or any other Grunt task.

And many many more. You can optimize your images, create code documentation on the fly, compile handlebars templates and what not. Here’s a list of all plug-ins. It’s probably a good idea to check if they are still updated before you use them. Quality can roughly be judged by the number of downloads. You can also create your own Grunt plug-ins.

For the sake of completeness, I would like to mention that Grunt is not the only task runner out there. Especially Gulp seems equally popular. They each have their (slight?) pros and cons which shall be discussed in a different article.


JavaScript Frameworks.

You were actually looking for something completely different when starting to read this? Hoping to learn about essential JavaScript libraries to include in your projects? Sorry to disappoint. I feel that there is no toolset in this category that can be generally recommended.

Every project has its own highly individual requirements. How vital is SEO? Are there REST services involved? Is there a lot of animation or DOM manipulation? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before deciding on the set of JavaScript libs you are going to use.

It is important to choose wisely what to incorporate instead of following trends.

A project that might help you to make a decision on what framework will work well to generally structure your code is TodoMVC.



Phew. This was it. You made it to the end. I hope you got an impression of what is out there that can improve your coding workflow. Let’s look at it again in a more compressed format.

We used:

  • bash commands to get started using the command line.
  • Git to keep track of our code changes and work collaboratively.
  • Homebrew to manage software for OS X.
  • npm to manage software needed to scaffold, process, and optimize our code.
  • bower to pull JavaScript libraries into our project.
  • yo and its generators to scaffold out a fresh project.
  • Grunt for processing our code and viewing changes in real-time.

I am by far still no command line ninja but now you can probably understand why I say there isn’t a single day of writing code without me opening Terminal on my Mac anymore. It makes the web dev process way smoother and I can tell you it feels great to get this dark area on the map of my programming skills more and more under control.

What I introduced you to are the most valued and used commands and tools in my personal workflow. You’ve got a different setup, would like to add to this one, or know other ways and tricks for front enders to getting done faster? Great! Feel free to share in the comments below, I’d love to know about them!


Shape up your coding style: separating CSS from JavaScript.

When starting to learn JavaScript and moving from developing static to dynamic sites, the power of being able to juggle DOM elements makes you feel like you’ve reached a whole new level of web development (and you have). If you want an element to look different after any event or at any point in time, you just restyle it using JavaScript. Here’s an example of how to do it, so we’re all on the same page.

// changing an elements' background color to white
// without jquery
document.body.style.background = '#FFFFFF';

// with jquery

But surely you’ve guessed, there is a pitfall about this. With the first sites you build this might work great. But you eventually run into a situation where you a) go back to your own code after a long time to make a change, or b) work as part of a team on more complex projects.

And then it happens. Your task is to change the ‘background-color’ of <body> to black. You open the CSS file, find ‘body’ in there, and change the background color to ‘#000000’. You reload the page to double check everything’s working and…what? It’s still white!!!? You reload three more times, clear your browser cache, try it in another browser, but it is still friggin white. After a few minutes you are starting to realize that the browser is displaying correctly, the color is changed to white via JavaScript at runtime.

So now the big search through JavaScript files starts to find where the heck that color is assigned to the element and why. This is especially fun if you’re close to a launch deadline and have to go through code you haven’t written. Alright, enough sarcasm, let’s get to how to do it better.

Define style states and save them in classes.

The solution to take all potential confusion and sweat out of this is to strictly separate JavaScript from CSS and let the former only deal with functionality and the latter with styling. This is done by adding a new class for an element into your style sheet whenever there is a need for a style change.

// here is the css part
// body can have two background-colors in this web app
body { background-color: #FFFFFF; }

body.dark { background-color: #000000. }

// or, if applicable as a theme to multiple elements
.dark { background-color: #000000; }

In your script, you only have to switch classes.

// plain javascript
var b = document.body;
b.className = b.className + ' dark';

// with jquery it looks like this

All styles for the relevant element are now in one place. When the task is to change black to dark blue, you only go into your CSS file and update the hex code. Even if you delete the class in the stylesheet to eliminate all black backgrounds, nothing will break. Sure, the class will still be assigned to your element through JavaScript (better delete that too if you’re trying to squeeze every bit out of performance), but it doesn’t alter the element anymore.

Never assign styles via JavaScript. Always assign classes. This way your code has a more clear structure, is more robust, and it is easier to grasp what visual states an element can assume.



4 tricks to optimize your jQuery site’s performance.

What’s a masterfully crafted responsive GUI good for if the user experience is ruined by a site’s horrible performance? You are right: nothing. At all.

“jQuery is hogging resources.”

“Don’t use jQuery if you want your site to be fast on iPads.”

Opinions like these can be heard more and more lately in the developer world – jQuery is said to be a heavy-weight library and its reputation is slowly decreasing. But what if you’re working on code that mostly deals with DOM elements? And you really would benefit from using jQuery? Use it! jQuery is still one of the best libraries to even out browser bugs and inconsistencies and making DOM manipulation easy. But make sure you use jQuery in a way that adds as little to your page weight as possible. There are quite a few steps that can be taken to ensure your site is as fast as can be although jQuery is part of it.

1. Use (minified!) jQuery 2.x if possible.

jquery.com currently offers two versions of jQuery on their download page: 1.x and 2.x. Their API is the very same. Their difference lies in browser support…and file size! If you don’t absolutely need to support Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8, go with jQuery 2.x. Comparing the minified versions of 1.11.3 and 2.1.4, this saves you 12 KB.

Speaking of minified – make sure that you’re loading the minified script, no matter what version you are using. This saves over 150 KB.

2. Load it at the end of your page.

When loading a page, your browser traverses the source code from top to bottom. When hitting a <script>, it reads through the entire code even of external JS-files before going on with the rest of the page. While it does that, contents that are located below the <script>  in your code can not be displayed yet.

To prevent scripts from blocking site rendering, it is a good practice to move them to the end of your html code, right before your closing </body>  tag. This way your contents are displayed, so the user can already look at them, and functionality is added with a slight delay.

3. Customize jQuery with grunt.

Think you’ve done everything you can to reduce file size by using the latest minified version of jQuery? It gets much better. You can now build your own jQuery and simply leave out modules that you don’t need (or just add them as needed). It’s easier than you might think.

Grunt makes it possible. If you are not familiar with this JavaScript task runner you should definitely have a closer look at it, it can save you tons of precious time when developing websites. What modules exist within jQuery and how to exclude them is described on jQuery’s GitHub page. It’s a piece of cake, especially if you are already familiar with using grunt.

4. Cache selectors in a variable.

By taking the first three steps, you have done quite a bit to improve your page weight and your site will show up faster in your browser. But what about jQuery itself – some of its functions are executed slower than vanilla JavaScript? This is true but it is quite the effort to test and research which functions are slow in which browser and if you can live without them but still support all browsers in your system specification.

However, a golden rule to follow is to store selectors in a variable instead of using them over and over. Every time you are using a jQuery selector such as $(“#element”) , jQuery will work through the DOM to find the element. By assigning it to a variable and reusing that, it only has to find the element once.

// So instead of using this

// always do this
var $element = $('#element');

It is surprising how often even more advanced developers use the same jQuery selector over and over in their code – even in loops. The impact on page performance is for example examined in this jsperf test.



What to learn first – jQuery or plain JavaScript?

Trying to figure out the right starting point on how to tackle JavaScript? jQuery seems tempting but all JavaScript pros you know keep telling you it’s important to start from scratch? Understanding the purpose and capabilities of jQuery is the key to figuring out the right time where to dig deeper.

The most important fact to realize is what John Resig, the creator of jQuery, himself tweeted a while back:

Tweet by John Resig


So, jQuery can not substitute JavaScript. It is a framework that helps manipulating the DOM. Nothing more or less. Due to its underlying logic, it enables selecting, sorting, and working with HTML elements with a short snippet of code that works across various browsers. Because of browser specific differences, bugs, and lack of functions in the original DOM API, this normally would require many lines of code. To write it yourself as a newbie will most probably be a frustrating experience because much research and testing has to be done for little outcome.

If you are working on a website that heavily relies on DOM manipulation, starting out using jQuery and looking behind its curtains once you have a more thorough understanding of JavaScript will most definitely be the more rewarding way to go. This still means that you will have to learn to use vanilla JavaScript for all non-DOM operations such as calculations and business logic.

But, if you find yourself using jQuery commands only for a few operations or develop for modern browsers only, it can be a good idea to scratch the framework, which adds quite a bit to your page weight, and walk the extra mile for the sake of performance. Pages like youmightnotneedjquery.com help you to replace jQuery functions with plain JavaScript.

